Yom Teruah - The Feast of Trumpets
Yom Teruah, or also known as Rosh Hashanah, is a feast of the L-rd that is established in the book of Leviticus 23.
23 Adonai said to Moshe, 24 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘In the seventh month, the first of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest for remembering, a holy convocation announced with blasts on the shofar. 25 Do not do any kind of ordinary work, and bring an offering made by fire to Adonai."
This is a time where we blow the Shofar, to coronate G-d as King of the Universe. During this time, there are several traditional things that take place.
Blowing of the Shofar 100 times.
Candle lighting, along with the kiddush (juice) and the hamotzi (bread). On this holiday, we have a round challah loaf, which is shaped like a crown. This is to remind us of the Kingship of G-d, and that the crown of righteousness comes from those who obey Him.
Dipping apples in honey for the hope of a sweet new year.
Also on Tishrei 1, the first day of Yom Teruah, there is a "Tashlikh" service. This is where we go to a body of water and empty our pockets, which is symbolic of casting off our sins.
This is also a time that the civil new year begins. A common greeting on this holiday is, "L'Shana Tovah", which means, "a good year!".
Of course Yeshua (Jesus), our L-rd and Savior, is the King of Kings, and the L-rd of lords.
Revelation 17:14
"Because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."
The sounding of the Shofar, will also be heard at the last sound of the trumpet, for us to be reunited with Yeshua in heaven!
1 Thessalonians 4
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a rousing cry, with a call from one of the ruling angels, and with God’s shofar; those who died united with the Messiah will be the first to rise; 17 then we who are left still alive will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we will always be with the Lord.
We invite you to join us for Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets, this year. Singing, dancing, blowing the shofar, a powerful message from G-d, and of course, the feast! Come and experience this Biblically commanded Feast of the L-rd.